Every Woman’s Dream, by Tracy Ohovwore, Nigeria

Born as a female child, I am saddled with house chores, a situation I found myself without making myself a choice. Here I am in a ‘patriarchal’ society, where I have to fight my way to the top and prove that I am worthy. The struggle is hard, I had to devise a way to play the game with my unique card.

Now here’s my dream and my wish list;

That my voice be heard without restraint

That I may be respected and treated not with disdain.

That every feminine figure like me be given equal opportunity.

That we should be included in every discussion whether nationally even down to our locality.

I am not a sexual object that men might want to use to satisfy their cravings or gratification. Instead I am equal like you and you must acknowledge that I am not your puppet for unleashing your satisfaction.

Desirably, I yearn to be in an equal position with my male counterparts

Enjoying every moment and receiving accolades and promotion while playing my parts.

I wish that every woman be treated like a sweet princess And find love and partners that would love and stick to us regardless.

I deserve to be educated and pursue my ambitions, that I may be allowed to dream wild without restrictions that point fingers to alienation because of my gender

That in unity, our voices rise together and shake the world

That we unite against practices that hinder and discriminate against us

That we become the pride of “mama” nature and recognized as a force globally

That all our struggles pays off in the future

And with this I speak the dreams of every woman clearly.

Yours sincerely,
