What does it take to get girls involved in our programme?

Every three months, groups of girls all over the world begin our Blended Learning Leadership Initiative in their communities with local facilitators, and embark on a three month leadership journey to change their own life and their communities. But if you think gathering these groups together is as simple as a quick call, you’d be very wrong. Our facilitators go above and beyond to ensure we are working with those girls who are marginalised and hard to reach. This might be because they are living far away from a centre, or maybe it’s because they need their father’s permission or a male accompaniment. Our facilitators have to visit their homes numerous times and have various conversations, with mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, to get the girls signed up. 

Here, our facilitator in Hyderabad, Asma, talks about the long and important process she has to go through to get each cohort set up. Watch for some need to know insights about the reality of delivering this programme where we do and how we do it.